

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Zippidy Doo Da...Zippidy Day...My, oh my what a wonderful day!

Today, I walked into my office and had a flower on my desk from the doctors. The heart-shaped card said, "For all you do....This bud's for you...thanks for taking one for the team".

What a wonderful feeling?! It got me thinking about the Disc Profile I mentioned yesterday. Although there are so many differences between communication styles, needs and expectations between D-I-S-C profile types, there is one characteristic that is unanimous---everyone loves to be praised and everyone loves to be praised in public. I've never heard someone say "I'm embarrassed I did such a good job...please don't mention it in front of anyone".

There is a great book called "A Carrot A Day" by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton. Its all about recognizing your employees for the things that they do well--boosting morale and creating an atmosphere of praise and excitement. Who doesn't like being told how well they did something? Having someone recognize the hard work that you put into something, that little extra effort put forth....

Today's "carrot" from the book is: READY FOR A CHANGE?

"The father of electricity (and insulated kite string), Benjamin Franklin once created a list of thirteen virtues to live by. It included temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, and humility.

Franklin, who was constantly seeking to improve himself, would choose one of these virtues and work toward improvement in that area before selecting another. In this way, he constantly bettered himself. We'd be wise to follow suit.

In what way could you polish up your recognition skills? Frequency? The presentation? The slightest change in your perspective and abilities could not only transform your experience as a manager but also charge the entire workplace environment."

It is amazing to think that by just spending 10 minutes a day recognizing select staff members for a job well done could transform the way they feel and could transform the way they work. I like to spend about 10 minutes, right before I go to bed, reflecting upon the day at work and thinking about things that I may have let slide by--go without recognition--that should have been praised. One of my favorite ways to send a quick "thank you" or "pat on the back" is a free epraise from Baudville.

I am NOT saying that email is the best format for recognition--but its still a source. I believe that public recognition is the best, followed by a card or an email that says "what you did was was not forgotten". Public praise rubs off on others--its important for people to realize that their "good deeds" have not gone unnoticed. However, if it did go unnoticed at the time--you shouldn't let it continue to go unnoticed! I encourage you to spend 10 minutes a day thinking of some things (no matter how small) that you think deserve a "high five". Then, give it!

"The smallest change in perspective can transform a life. What tiny attitude adjustment might turn your world around?" Oprah Winfrey, Celebrity

Question for you: What forms of "praise" do you give your team? If you aren't a manager, what forms of praise would you like to receive? We have a star employee program and monopoly money with a store...what do you do?


  1. "We have a start employee program and monopoly money with a store...what do you do?"

    This is a really cute idea! Did you come up with it?

  2. I did! Well, a lot of companies have the Star Employee Program--so I just kinda stole that one. The Monopoly Money was my idea. We have a store in my office with gift cards for Target, Chilis, Starbucks, Movie Tickets, Mugs, Candy, an iPod, etc. They earn Monopoly Money from our Management team and Doctor team and then can use it to "purhcase" items from the store. I think people like it---the Target cards fly out of there!
